on how to analyse failure risks across large asset portfolios
We started building Asset Altitude and quickly expanded the scope of the solution to include asset information and condition assessments.
We also knew the electricity industry needed to predict future condition and risk for asset planning. Existing methodologies for modelling asset condition, risk, and renewal timing were so poor, that we developed our own. The methodologies we have since built in Asset Altitude are our pride and joy, allowing hundreds of thousands of assets to be modelled intuitively, accurately and effortlessly.
One of our early clients wanted to capture their asset class strategies in Asset Altitude, so we created an area in the system where they could do this. This functionality allowed their engineers to explain the “how” and “why” of asset reinvestment and provided a knowledge management system for information relevant to asset strategy.
Asset Altitude was transformed into a fully-fledged AIP system when we added the planning and projects area, where renewal tasks for individual assets are automatically generated and costed. These tasks along with others can be rescheduled and bundled into projects or larger programs of work to capture procurement and execution efficiencies and constraints. This allows engineers to develop robust short term and long term risk-based reinvestment plans for asset refurbishments, renewals and enhancements.
Today, Asset Altitude is a comprehensive cloud-based application for asset lifecycle management and investment planning. It is unlike anything you have ever seen before. Please contact us for a demo to see for yourself.